Dallas Premises
When you’ve had a slip and fall accident or some other injury on someone else property, a premises liability lawyer will first determine if there are grounds to bring suit to the property owner. If your attorney finds that your situation qualifies as a persuadable premises liability case, he’ll file a suit against the property owner on your behalf with the court. He’ll then have the task of assembling documentation and preparing testimony to show the court why you should be awarded monetary compensation for the injury.
Your attorney will have to build a case and present it in court showing in detail the circumstances of your injury that prove that you’re reasonably eligible for compensation from the other party. He’ll further have to provide evidence and testimony to prove his assertions and do so in a way that connects back to exactly how the law allows for you to win damages.
Further, Texas laws have provisions that help to protect property owners against frivolous law suits. An experienced premises liability attorney can investigate and present facts in such a way that doesn’t conflict with these laws and increase the chances that you can recover the damages you deserve rather than getting shut down by the defendant’s attorneys.
How do I know if I have a
Premises Liability Case?
By calling our office and talking to Ward. This should be your first step. There are too many factors that come into play on every case to write a hard and fast set of rules for you to know whether or not you have a case.
In order to win a case, your attorney will have to objectively prove that the premises had a dangerous hazard, that the manager or owner knew about the hazard and failed to address it or properly warn visitors of it, and that this failure would necessarily and likely lead to an accident.
Then your attorney will need to show that there is good reason that you would not have had reason to anticipate the risk. This may be easier said than done in many cases. Your lawyer may have to pursue security camera footage or get testimony from witnesses.
Most premises liability cases involve a situation in which you as visitor to the property were either invited or had implied permission to be there. If the injury happened as a result of trespass, the chances of recovering damages are much less likely. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be pursued. Some exceptions are often made for situations in Dallas such as those in which people are known to cross property on a regular basis. For example, kids regularly taking a quick shortcut over a piece of private property on the way to school.
Premises liability has many complex variations. Common slip and fall cases might involve negligence in snow and ice removal or standing water. But not all premises liability cases are slip and falls. Some involve staircase incidents or other hazardous building features due to building code variations. Electrical shock or electrocution due to faulty wiring, burns, or other accidents due to shoddy construction. Other premises liability cases can involve dog bites or even assault because of security negligence. Some cases involve swimming pool accidents where there was poor fencing, deferred maintenance, or lack of proper supervision.
Ward Maedgen doesn’t only have extensive experience winning premises liability cases, he brings the added advantage of leading many dozens of trials as well as presentations to many juries. Ward served as an Assistant District Attorney in Texas setting him apart as a lawyer who truly understands courtroom strategy. By comparison, many injury lawyers in Dallas only have experience in accident cases. Often these cases mean facing extremely effective legal teams with razor sharp strategy on the opposing side. So why risk working with an attorney with less experience and ability to strategize when it really counts? Talk to Ward and see what he can do for you.